Very light pack stove, Water treatment, Mole skin, Lots of socks, Few changes of long underwear,headlamp maybe. { dont get very dark in summer ) Bear spray, Duck tape, ( good for fixting what ever and allso okay fire starter.[ Wrap the duck tape around your drink water bottles} Lip balm, Tensor wraps and very small first Aid kit
Have been using a small loon UV flashlight for water treatment, so far so good, The 2 sock system has worked good for me, Tensor wraps help the knees a ton when doing the long downhill stuff. Carrying a few changes of long underwear that dry fast beter then carrying to much clothing, In my day pack allways carryed Plastic, good to wrap in when cold wind.
The most important thing,take what ever you need to keep happy feet. When your feet go the hunt is over