I had David's book. I don't think it was very helpful in the shooting form department. More of an owner's manual to go with his bows, pretty generalized info IMHO, still a nice read but I sold it cause for me it was not worth having on the shelf as a reference, except maybe for string making or arrow making, also good info on bow setup. Had some good insights on what length bow to buy as well. For a more detailed look at shooting a Hill bow I recommend Asbell's second volume 'Instinctive Shooting 2'. Great chapter on Hill bow aiming/grip. Also Hitting Em Like Howard would be a better reference. There's also a great page on gripping a Hill bow floating on the net, can't remember the link but it can be Googled. NOT knocking David, his bows are phenomenal and I treasure my Tom pretty much above any other bow I own, just the book was a little thin on info to me. However, playing Devil's advocate I could say that he says what needs to be said and that's it...in my experience shooting a Hill bow so far I find its easiest and most effective if you don't over think it..perhaps that's what he was aiming at with such a Spartan treatise.