Rod Jenkins 2004' World Champion in Traditional Class & Starred in Masters of the Barebow 3 DVD will bring his No-Nonsense approach to Shot Execution & Control with a Longbow & Recurve Bow: To be held in Western,Massachusetts March 23rd & 24th 2013'.Location to be 11 Ash Lane,Peru,Ma 01235.Cost per man is $225.00.Class is limited to 12 students with 2 SPOTS Open as of right now.Those interested may contact me at 413-655-2505,PM me OR EMAIL
[email protected] majority rules we may chip in for lunch and have right on premises.Make checks payable to ROD JENKINS in the amount of $225.00 and mail to me: Tom Phillips,10 Bonny Lane,Peru,Ma 01235
TOPICS COVERED in 2-day Class will be:
1.Introduction to 7 Steps to Excellence program.
2.Individual Shot Analysis & Correction.
3.Formaster training.
4.Practice Drills to Reinforce the 7 Steps.
5.Strengthening the Mental Game.
6.Aiming Methods Discussion.
7.Question & Answer Session.
NOTE: Once I pin down location I will POST and call those who have signed up.
Sign-Up LIST:
1.Tom Phillips
2.Greg Kirkwood
3.Keith Dunbar
4.David Walrath
5.Mark Leipman
6.Paul Flint
7.Greg Krause
8.Chris Platzer
9.Ken Boutin
10.Brenda Bailey