I can't seem to put my recurve down, soooooo much fun to shoot
I shoot the 250gr broadhead I plan to hunt with so much it's gotten all banged up and I just drop it on the stone for a few minutes and it's back again. They come in a three pack so I just dedicated one to being a practice head, the other two are razor and ready for spring turkey
I took a side by side pick of a new one just so you could see how much is missing off the top from me abusing it.
http://i1301.photobucket.com/albums/ag110/stringpuller1/IMAG0218_zpsa9b8deda.jpg I wont say what brand they are so as not purposely plug the company but for those who know them by sight know they are a solid head.
It looks like that fancy pants compound bow of mine is going on the wall to collect dust, mad respect to all you stick and string hunters out there...........