Terry, loved the shooting exhibition, if I could still bend like that I would try it, but I'm worried my wife would have to call EMS to unbend me. NO doubt that 4 stabilizes the arrow faster and better, just wondering how necessary it is ? It was Mike Fedora that got me thinking about it, it was at the Sawmill shoot in PA. two years ago, I had 4 fletched arrows and mike was the one who mentioned the parachute first. I didn't usually shoot 4 feathers and haven't since. The bow was a Palmer recurve double carbon 55@28, really could spit an arrow and was the only bow that would shoot the 4 fletched arrows well, maybe that has something to do with it, the stronger and faster the bow the more or less the arrows are effected, more being stabilized faster and less being the parachute effect or lack off effect due to higher poundage ?, can't answer since I know very little about archery and probably shouldn't have said anything in the first place, but thought what Mike had said to me was interesting.