Late to this thread but I think it needs to stay alive........ My traditional experience corresponds directly with my Tradgang membership. I owe much to this site, the Moderators and Membership alike. In the 5/6 years that I have been a member and started using trad equipment this site has been invaluable to me. I have learned how to shoot a traditional bow, build my own bows, and I have learned hunting techniques that have honed my skills and allowed me to hunt and kill all manner of big game animals in clean simple style. With what I've learned here it has made it possible for me to help others of a like mind.
Most important of all it has allowed me to (without sounding sappy) to meet some of the highest quality humans I have ever had the pleasure of meeting.
I truly don't understand why someone needs to bash. Disagreement is one thing, friendly debate is another but ugly, hurtful bashing is a different thing all together and usually done by someone looking for personal gain.....
I love this place and the folks here.... I hope that I can give back a tiny measure of what this place has given me?????
Kip Newton
Morro Bay, California
Hmmmmmmmm .... 38650 Members as of today
Must be doing something right!!!
Man I just realized the membership has almost doubled since I joined