Of all the rear mount bows I've handled, i never really appreciated any of them until this one arrived on my door step. This is an Eagle Wing Tallon II with all the bells and whistles...
The craftsmanship alone was enough to make me set down and hold it in my hands like a new born child.
Amazing.... Simply amazing...
After putting it together, and getting her strung.... The feel of my hand sliding into the grip as i put a bit of tension on the string, was a perfect match to my wrist rotation and palm swell, and the balance of this riser was unlike any other belly mount riser I've ever held.
The draw was butter smooth all the way to anchor, and the pressure point on the grip felt like it was sculptured to my hand. most likely because it was....The way this bow shoots is flat out incredible..... Absolutely dead in the hand. excellent flat trajectory that shoots right where you are looking, and hard hitting.....
I think what i appreciate most about Steve's beautiful bows is the heart and soul he puts into every one of them..... When you put one of these in your hands you can feel the passion the man has for his trade, only to be exceeded by his passion for the Lord.