Unfortunately, I have a bunch of them.
Everything from being attacked by wild dogs three times (20 stitches), charged by bears (3 times), gored by a wild boar (11 stitches), shot while rabbit hunting (just had to pluck out a few pellets, one in the lip), falling through the ice, and many more. The worst was getting run over by a truck (twice) after frog gigging. That one knocked out my front teeth and caused me to get 350 stitches. Did you ever squeeze a grape and have the skin pull away? That's what happened to my face when the truck tire went over mine. Long story but after the truck backed over me the first time it hit a tree and went back over me. I can still vividly remember the spinning tire coming up my leg, across my chest (tearing my clothes off as it came), and right before it hit my head I remember very clearly thinking "dang this is gonna hurt"! It did!