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Author Topic: Hogs in Ga - Safety concerns?  (Read 1860 times)

Offline Wilbur'72

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Hogs in Ga - Safety concerns?
« on: February 07, 2013, 10:35:00 AM »
Alright Tradgangers.  I've been target shooting an old Pearson since I was a teenager, but only recently got the bug to go after some hogs, with encouragement on this site and articles in the Georgia Outdoor News.

I'm working up my accuracy with my new, heavier Grizzly and planning on heading down to Oaky Woods or Chicasawhachee soon.

Which brings me to my question - When I announced my intentions to relatives outside of Albany at a recent family gathering, everybody went bonkers on the prospect of me going out in the woods alone with just a bow.  Folks went around the room with stories of grave danger.  Everybody knew somebody who was gored and/or bled out at the hands of murderous hogs.

Havent' seen this addressed either here or GON - so the point?

-Can folks speak to the dangers associated with hog hunting
-Are there tips or rules for avoiding said dangers
-Do yall go out with more than a bow (i.e. sidearm) just in case?

Thanks in advance
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Offline ron w

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Re: Hogs in Ga - Safety concerns?
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2013, 10:43:00 AM »
I'm new to pig hunting and have only been one time at Ray Hammond's place. 6 of us went and just had bows in our hands, no mention of grave danger and was not concerned. I think that anything can happen but really never heard to much bad about the act of pig hunting. I know the folks here will add to this post and share what has happened to them.....good or bad.
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Offline bowhuntingrn

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Re: Hogs in Ga - Safety concerns?
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2013, 11:18:00 AM »
I'm an ER nurse in the North Texas area and have seen one pretty nasty wound (3 or 4 years ago) from a feral hog "attack". I don't know the details of this "attack", but the short version was the gentleman was trying to protect his son from a charging feral hog, it gored him in the back of the thigh, penetrating the blue jeans he was wearing, and left about a 4"-5" gash. That being said, I plan to get out and chase the critters soon w/ my longbow. I'll be hunting on Corp of Engineer property and no sidearms are allowed. I was thinking quite seriously about carrying my old 20g single shot w/ buckshot just in case (could sling it across my back without much trouble), or at the very least, a large knife or tomahawk for in close protection. I think as with any wild animal, you can never predict what they're gonna do, especially if wounded. I'm curious to see what the seasoned hog chasers on here have to say though.
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Offline Brock

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Re: Hogs in Ga - Safety concerns?
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2013, 11:19:00 AM »
yes they will charge especially a sow with piglets....but an old boar when cornered will charge too.  I am going after hogs with a group of PBS members in Georgia next week....

stay downwind.....dont move quickly....after shot dont move unless they are coming directly at you...they have outstanding noses but eyes are not as sharp as a whitetail...but will catch movement and could charge at the shape.  They are NOT BLIND as some will have you believe.  Always good to have a tree nearby but if I was you since it is your FIRST TIME hunting hogs.  

I would highly recommend you go with someone else if spotting and stalking.  Otherwise hang a tree stand and observe them before and after the shot...

I have had them charge me....had one chase me to back of uncles truck and I jumped in rear and hog hit the side with head.  it was cornered though and I was smallest of group....

Usually not a problem but they do need to be given some respect as they can cut you up if they get up against you.

Again, I would not go alone my first time....unless you are in a tree stand.

Then again, I did my first few times....scared as hell but everything worked out when I was 14 years old...and I had a shotgun back then for them. LOL

They are like any other dangerous game...bears, mountain lions, etc.  You plan...you practice...you approach smartly using wind and stealth to keep undetected and hope for the best but plan for the worst.  Always think of your options in case something goes wrong....but then again the excitement and adrenaline is part of the experience.

Good luck....are you PBS Member?  If so go to the forum and check out the GA Hog Hunt thread for next weekend.



Keep em sharp,

Ron Herman
Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
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Offline rnharris

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Re: Hogs in Ga - Safety concerns?
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2013, 11:23:00 AM »
formidable animals potentially they have canines and cutters that can do lots of damage when cornered or sow with pigs they are good  mothers lol

with a stick you will be ok keep the wind in your favor they have outstanding noses better than deer imo good shot placement with sharp head they are not hard to kill pistol is a good idea the max allowed on wma is a good idea good luck!
TGMM Family of the Bow

Offline Dendy Cromer

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Re: Hogs in Ga - Safety concerns?
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2013, 11:27:00 AM »
I've been chasing hogs for a pretty good while now. I've never been "attacked", but i have had one or two run in my direction after the shot. Were they charging? i don't know, but a large boar certainly has the disposition and the tools to hurt a fella if he wants to. I never carry a sidearm, that ain't bowhunting to me- however, before i send an arrow toward a big hog,if at all possible, I will have a tree already picked out to climb if i need to. I hunt them from the ground 99% of the time.
Southern Zone Rep./Traditional Bowhunters of Georgia

Prov: 3, 5-6

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Re: Hogs in Ga - Safety concerns?
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2013, 11:45:00 AM »
You have a bigger chance of be injured or dying driving to your hunt. Use common sense and go have fun.
TGMM Family of the Bow   A member since 6/5/09

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Offline Iron Man2

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Re: Hogs in Ga - Safety concerns?
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2013, 11:56:00 AM »
I would worry about these guys:  


   JL   :archer2:
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Offline Jerry Russell

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Re: Hogs in Ga - Safety concerns?
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2013, 01:33:00 PM »
While any animal can present some element of danger, I would put the hazard of hog hunting at the very, very low end of dangerous animals and no more dangerous than a wounded whitetail. I have hunted and guided for hogs for 35+ years and other than a couple running "at" me when just trying to get away during tracking jobs, never have I had a seriously dangerous encounter. Even the ones that came close avoided me even though I was within just a couple of feet.

I can say without hesitation that any worry about the hazard of hunting them will simply take away from your hunt.

Now, if you are driving through Atlanta at rush hour on your way down...that is a different story

Good luck on your hunt.


Offline mark land

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Re: Hogs in Ga - Safety concerns?
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2013, 01:44:00 PM »
As others have said hogs are normally not dangerous and try to avoid confrontation as much as possible, it is usually much harder to get closer to hogs then it is to worry about them getting too close to you!
Most of the hog attacks typically occur with hog/dog encounters and the hogs are teed off and ready to attack anything that moves.  However a cornered, wounded hog or aggressive breeding boar or sow with piglets can get interesting but not likely to cause too much trouble unless you do something stupid and push it.
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Offline S.C. Hunter

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Re: Hogs in Ga - Safety concerns?
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2013, 01:55:00 PM »
Originally posted by Iron Man2:
I would worry about these guys:    

    :scared:    :biglaugh:
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Online Terry Green

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Re: Hogs in Ga - Safety concerns?
« Reply #11 on: February 07, 2013, 01:59:00 PM »
Just respect them....and pay no attention to the TV shows that will say they come into your house in the middle of the night  and kill you with a butcher knife.
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Offline Jeff Roberts

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Re: Hogs in Ga - Safety concerns?
« Reply #12 on: February 07, 2013, 02:02:00 PM »
The only people I know that have been cut by a hog were hunting them with dogs. Most of those guys either catch and tie them up or cut their throat. Never had a problem bowhunting them and I have hunted them for several decades.
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Offline JohnV

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Re: Hogs in Ga - Safety concerns?
« Reply #13 on: February 07, 2013, 02:24:00 PM »
I have probably shot about 25 hogs with bow and arrow hunting a private lease in south Georgia in the 1990's just north of Douglas.  I would be far more concerned with rattlers and cottonmouths than any hog.  While I have never had a hog charge, you should show them proper respect and give them some space if they show they are aware of your presence and are agitated about it.
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Offline Gil Verwey

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Re: Hogs in Ga - Safety concerns?
« Reply #14 on: February 07, 2013, 02:30:00 PM »
The safest place to be hunting hogs is right next to me. I gaurantee you won't get one within 100 yards of you.

Good luck I will be in Georgia in two weeks hunting them myself. I hope they are a lot more agressive then those cowardly South Carolina hogs.

TGMM Family of the bow.

Offline tarponnut

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Re: Hogs in Ga - Safety concerns?
« Reply #15 on: February 07, 2013, 02:45:00 PM »
In ten years of hunting them(year round), I've never had one get aggressive towards me. We did have a couple bluff charges last year at the ranch by a big nasty boar.
The very few people I know who have been injured by pigs were hunting with dogs.
I think the danger from hogs is grossly exaggerated.That's not to say it couldn't happen but people are also attacked by deer every year.

Offline Butternutz

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Re: Hogs in Ga - Safety concerns?
« Reply #16 on: February 07, 2013, 02:51:00 PM »
I have been charged once. You will be fine you just have to run faster than the guy that's hunting with you. LOL    :bigsmyl:
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Offline Fishburglar

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Re: Hogs in Ga - Safety concerns?
« Reply #17 on: February 07, 2013, 03:04:00 PM »
Originally posted by Butternutz:
I have been charged once. You will be fine you just have to run faster than the guy that's hunting with you. LOL     :bigsmyl:  
The Fishburglar

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Re: Hogs in Ga - Safety concerns?
« Reply #18 on: February 07, 2013, 04:45:00 PM »
Wilbur, A friend of mine was charged by a 200 lb boar a couple of weeks ago.  It had already been wounded by others in the hunting party.  It charged him, hit him in the leg hard, put a tusk through his boot, but no blood or injuries. Nobody was really set up for hogs, so it took 4 arrows, none had good penetration, to kill him. I think being attacked by hogs is rare, but it does happen. I do have a hog spear I carry, but no kills yet.  Good Hunting
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Offline BWD

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Re: Hogs in Ga - Safety concerns?
« Reply #19 on: February 07, 2013, 04:45:00 PM »
The big uns don't like it when you sneek up real close behind them and thump them on their nads.
I'd tend to be more concerned with mr. no shoulders, especially when the temps. reach about 50 degrees. They like to warm up in the sunny spots.
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