Gil and Tony it was great to have you!! Gil fit right in, just like an old friend and Tony, well I have met up with him a few times before and he did get a bit bloody. We must have seen well over 50 rabbits and we saw quite a few more today. The raffle for the kids was actually incredible, we did not have a whole bunch of folks but we raised a lot of money for the amount of guys we had. I want to make a special comment about Cade(Guru11) and Peter(the one who has a little one!)these two young men are our future and they hunt as hard as anyone of us and I am proud to call both of them my friends and fellow hunters!! You two can hunt with me anytime!! I will post a number on how much was raised once we get some stories and pictures up. I will start with one of my own, we had just finished the doorplant push, which we actually did twice. We pushed it one way and than sent the drivers back as watchers and we pushed it back to them. Mikey and Ed had said several bunnies had run the gauntlet and had gotten through the watchers on both pushes and went into a real thick patch behind some of my neighbors houses. My nieghbors are aware of the Bunny Hunt and our efforts for St. Judes so they do not mind us walking thru their backyards and setting up next to there garages and playground equipment!! I took the drivers(as usual :rolleyes: )and had Nate and Curt lined up alongside of me, as soon as we started in out goes a bunny and the shouts of BUNNY!!!! are heard. We only go a short distance and out comes another and runs acrossed in front of me and stops 15 yards away in the wide open, I proceed to calmly raise my bow and loose an arrow, it flies an inch high and literally sticks in the ground and kind of rests acrossed the bunnie neck. I get another arrow nocked and as I draw he runs into some nasty stuff 30 yards away. I look for a hole but it looks like a jail cell window but I decide it is now or never. I let one fly and watch in amazement as my arrow finds its way thru and thumps him mid body. I throw the RER and run in after him, after a chase thru the nasties I grab the arrow and it pulls right thru, leaving one of my pink feathers sticking in him, I than make a desperation dive and have my prize!! The whole time I am thinking of Ishiwannabe(Jamie) as he has run down and dove on more bunnies than anyone I know!! I believe that was the 3rd. bunny of the day!! There was a ton more action and I will let other guys tell their own stories!! I just want to thank everyone who came for the great time and the great prizes donated to the raffle!! I really want to thank Jamie, as I won the Harold Couch longbow he so generously donated, Thanks bud, I love ya man!! What can I say->>>----------->