OK folks it is coming together, we needsome more people for sure!! This used to be a huge hunt and I am surprised we are not getting more interest. I know it is short notice, but Jeff and Tyler, Jeremy, I have not heard from many of the old crew!!! We can use a few things such as plastic silverware and platter type paper plates, styrafoam cups and any drinks ya want to bring, we can always use gatorade, water, juice, whatever. Post here if ya can bring something!! We have plenty of snow and the hunting should be awesome!! If ya can make it, ya should come!! We could use some more young folks as well, the kids always make it great!! Just PM me and let me know if you are coming!! BUNNY!!!!!!!!! OOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Shawn