Last fall I purchased a 64”, 40@28, A&H ACS as an incentive to “stick to it” and work hard towards healing after a rotator surgery. Along with that, after decades of shooting nothing but Black Widow MA recurves, I wanted to try something totally new.
It’s an absolutely beautiful bow and I’ve gotten to the point where I can easily draw it back now and I’ve been working hard at getting used to the “longbow thing” past few weeks. Yet, as unbelievably smooth and nice shooting as it is, I am really struggling. :( I’ve reviewed my arrow/tip choice with several knowledgeable people and I seem to be in the ball park with that but I am consistently hitting high and right no matter what I am do. While I’m only shooting at about 8-9 yards in the basement, arrow flight seems beautiful.
I’ve tried a Bear Weatherest, the little white Hoyt rest, off the shelf. I’ve moved the brace in and out, I’ve moved the nocking point up and down which all results in little variations but I am almost always high and right. In frustration, I’ll grab one of my old Widow MA’s off the rack and I’ll absolutely funnel arrows into my target exactly where I want them.
I know that while trying to “train my brain” with that longbow, grabbing a recurve off the rack might not be the right thing to do but ... uuuggghhh ... FRUSTRATING!!!
It won’t be long and that beautiful ACS might show up on the classifieds. :p
Any advice?