Be curious to see how the paradox changes with shafts tapered in different manners. Seems to me thinner is going to bend more and quicker than the thicker parts. Of course it's really a moot point because no two pieces of wood will ever bend the same anyway. Not disputing anything guys, just a curiosity.
I used to barrel shafts just cause.
I always taper 23/64 down to 11/32 on the nock end, about 9" of gradual taper, but that's just to make the nocks fit nice. Sometimes the point end of an 11/32, which I normally shoot, is a bit bigger than it oughta be so I'll taper that for 3"-4" to make the point fit well.
Normally anymore if my release is good for the day and the arrows are spined for my longbow I can see no difference in arrow performance tapered or not. If they be hitting where I'm looking and they ain't wobbling around I'm happy. That's pretty much like my "pretty arrow" days are pretty much over too. Make'em so they shoot good and they ain't ugly and go for it. Don't hurt near as bad to lose a "plain" arrow as it does a pretty one

Have good'n y'all.