My results were similar. I saw 3 spike bulls in a group (not legal in CO), and Saturday got up on a young bull 4x4 or small 5er, grazing in aspen at about 60 yards. He had no interest in my cow mews, and I heard no bugling all weekend ... except the midday wailing of some idiot from his camp a couple of miles above me, where he'd come in Friday, right before me, on an ATV, which is illegal in this entire area and each trail is clearly signed. No doubt him running through there with an ATV, and belching full-throat bugles at a time of day and year when the real ones never do that, accounts for the elk being so secretive, when they'd been moving and visible on my earlier scouting trips. He's up there right now with his ATV, and our local FS law enforcement officer won't do a thing about it, lazy bum. It gets worse every year, to the point now you can hardly even backpack away from the stinking motorheads. They are the most effective antihunters in the West.