Ibow makes some great points.
From my perspective, what is the point of MTB in the current state?
Why should I join?
What is the mission of MTB? Is it advocacy for traditional (all) bowhunting opportunity or is it a club of great people who'd rather plan outings and weekend shoots?
Sure, it can be both, but without serious advocacy, it really is more of a club with a couple 200 members.
I'm a member of other "outdoor orgs" because I believe in what they advocate. While some here may not like or agree with QDMA, I do.
Deer hunting is typically only as good as the deer habitat where one is hunting. In much of northern Michigan, it's maturing forests that are hunters worst enemy, not PETA or HSUS. I believe keeping deer herds in balance, along with getting more private landowners to better manage the habitat on their holdings is paramount to the future of hunting in northern forests. Not just for deer, but habitat management is key for turkey, pheasants, grouse, etc.
I also think the Michigan buck tagging system has been a little too liberal over the past 30 years, when we've ranged from allowing 4 bucks a year to 2 bucks a year. I prefer allowing one buck per year, and then let anyone decide what single buck is a "trophy" to them, but if we're going to allow two bucks in any season, then there should be a bit of a higher restriction on both tags. To me, that's totally reasonable.
With compounds and xbows now being 50 yard weapons and inline ML's now being 250 yard weapons, trying more restrictive buck tags is a change that's worth a 5 year trial, in my mind.
Anyone who knows about trout fishing, especially east of the Mississippi, also knows that constantly staying on top of good stream habitat is also paramount. It's the same with hunting.
Also see DU and duck habitat.
Here's QDMA's mission statement...
“The QDMA's mission is to promote sustainable, high quality white-tailed deer populations, wildlife habitats, and ethical hunting experiences through education, research, and management in partnership with hunters, landowners, natural resource professionals,and the public.”
So what is MTB's plan or mission?
Ohio bowhunters hunt from early September all the way thru February. So why can't we? I've personally talked to the head of the Ohio deer program and he told me that the bowhunting kill in Jan-Feb is basically insignificant as far as hurting the resource, yet it offers nearly 5 additional weeks of bowhunting opportunity.
I'll join the first Michigan hunting group to pick up that mantle.
I guess my question is, if I join MTB, what am I joining? Am I joining a group that will advocate changes I want to see happen or would they actually fight changes I want to see happen?
Truth is, I don't know for sure and I won't join a group if I am unsure that they will turn around and use my money to fight against my goals.
See the point? By having a group that even current members aren't really sure of the direction, or can't explain the benefits of joining, who wants to join it?