First off, I am hoping to see most of you at this Saturday's banquet. It will be a great time and the most bang for your buck at $25.00 (includes dinner, desert, pop, beer, wine and a chance to when a new bow). At 4:00 p.m. we will have a council meeting that you are welcome to attend. Second, if you can't make the banquet please attend the General Membership meeting with these ideas. It is easy for everyone to brain storm on the keyboard, but these ideas need to be addressed directly to the council. Those who have questions about MTB's future goals can receive an answer there. Last, it is because of MTB that I even shoot a bow. Back in 2006, I attended the Jamboree for the first time and it was within minutes that I had a bow in my hand and shooting arrows, because our members cared. This is the reason that I joined the council, to give back which I had received.