After heading down to the Bunkhouse and started setting up camp Thomas Hogdancer Burns Started Funneling people out to where they would be hunting, to scout, look for sign, hunt etc.. Upon his return he grabbed us and we head out to look a round and drop some corn. Cool little spot on "the other side" of the river. Which I had never been so it was cool to see something new.
"What should I take?" I ask. "Ummm Your Bow. Ya, You just never know."
Anyway, I was a little worried at first because I just bought a new Subaru Forester and I was now going to be crossing the Brazos River, let alone dealing with the most rediculous amount of CLAY-MUD you ever saw. Now before you make fun me, like... yes even my 70 yr old mother and most of my friends did the forester is quite impressive and completely sold me. It even got where someones Tundra couldnt get (isn't that right Colburn?) LOL
anyway off we go, check the spot figure out some possible strategies and head back to camp. Eat lunch, then head back out for the first nights hunt.
this is the view from atop a "mountain" looking down on the Brazos. Facing SOUTH West. If you look close at the distal end of the road you can see the famous "stone house"
Julie and I primarily hunted the river bottom and field to the Left and whats obviously below us. we spent about 2 hrs walking that and peeking down off the side looking for Piggy. Nothing...
about an hour before dark we circled completely around the field back to these oil drums. We decided to head back to camp when right across the road runs 2 piggies.... Now this caught us both off guard Me because I wasnt expecting to see hogs so fast and She because she wasn't familiar with using my camera.
I locked up the Brakes Jumped out and nocked an arrow. Turned on My action cam and began duckwalking...
Now I do duck walks all the time and they are no big deal to me. BUTT these were a bit different because when you walk these fields in TX they are loaded with THORNS which end up in your lower pant legs. Ok No biggie....Untill you DUCK WALK!!!! Now they are in MY @$$!!!
So here I am cringing and get to a spot were a pig passes me at 12 yds or so...Wind howling fastand action cam ON! the whole time thinking... MAN this footage is going to be SIIIICKKK!! well I stand up Slowly so I can maybe get a shot off and realize I'M SURROUNDED. Not even Kidding... There were about 20 pigs all shapes and Sizes and I duck walked right into them. I played cat and mouse with them for a good 15 miutes the whole time looking back at julie with camera in hand saying "pictures" "pictures" Pictures"!!!!! I got probably as close as 7 yards to a couple pigs, but the Scramble around, re set themselves, then I'd get on another one. Needless to say I didnt get a chance to shoot, and the eventually moved out to a bigger portion of the Field and connected with about 20 more pigs. unsuccessful, But Man what a Great first night! And the action cam on my head I was Amped with all the great footage and the pictures Julie was taking I mean she was even 10 yds or so from pigs! It was incredible.... We get back to the car and I said.."did you get lots of pics?' and the reply was "NO!" "Well I didnt want them to hear the camera."
Well I explained that the camera wasnt that loud and Please push the shutter as much as you can, Oh Ya...FOCUS!
Head Back to camp,eat dinner, Chit Chat with the group... Day one...End