Again... Figures So we start making our way BACK That way across the field.
Now unless you know me personally I should tell you I HATE 2 weather phenomenons BRIGHT AND SUNNY and WIND. I was now dealing with BOTH! Yaaaayyy! SO the Suns setting WEST the pigs are coming from the WEST I'm looking Directly into the Sun and the Wind...Needless to say Is BLOWING erratically.
So we get about 100 yards away, And On with the "action cam" I turn.
Now I have VERY limited Pig hunting experience this being my actual 6th day ever. But what I have learned about them is they are either on the move.....Or face in the ground rooting stuff up.... So were squatting down ...Thorns in Butt (yes again) and they arent Budging.... 1/2 hr goes by... So I decide to move in.. I re assure Julie that they wont hear the camera please take lots of pictures (into the sun) HAHA
The landscape in this particular part of the field is sparse, Couple Bushes of sage and thorns a few trees so I'm looking for places to hide as we are working our way toward each otherevery 20 yards or so I find myself moving a few back to hide incase they move in. They dont I advance and hold... Man the action cam is getting sweet views...
and in a few pics heres what Julie was getting...
Again we really stepped in them... there were about 20 10 piglets and about 4 boars and 6 sows probably more, Either way I worked my way closer and closer to where I simply couldnt go any further
As you can tell from the pic, theres just a bush between them and me. They Also are further than they look maybe 40 yards from what I recall. So obviously from this spot...All I can do is wait with hopes theyll move in and somewhere between wind gusts I'll Pull off a shot!
Pigs are a BLAST to watch, The little ones Scurry about The big ones get annoyed with each other and chase each other off then re group... The little ones will feed on mamma, etc. Man that action cam is going to have some killer footage. OS I get spotted or winded a few times...They throw a huff and re group Faces to the Floor and I was really hoping to get a hit on this multi colored (calico) Sow..It was just real cool looking and she was making her way in my direction...ish HAHA
well this boar kind of notices me and makes his way off to my left Giving me the stare down about 30 yds or so Squeals and snorts.. Runs about and does this for a few minutes. Here and there...Well The have DEFINATE sounds, and I quickly learned and ALERT Squeal, Cause he eventually did it and they eventually made their way AWAY from us. Bummer But man how cool! I really hopes She got some good pix But I know she was fixated on those Piglets! All In All I was stoked for that evening hunt as It was JUST like the night before a few less pigs but there were plenty!
Cant WAIT to see that video footage!!