Ok, just out of curiosity, this thread is in regards to stone points. I don't want to start an argument about the lethality of them. But I've always kind of had this possessive interest in them, even so far as of late I've purchased some spalls of chert and a bopper , and made some of my own pressure flaking tools. Now see I live in New York, I've been told that stone heads aren't legal in New York by a few, I think uninformed or rather thinking individuals who know the law so to speak. Now just amongst friends here, I've read the regulations guide concerning arrow points as to whats legal in New York several times. It states," legal points cannot be barbed, and must be at least 7/8" wide". At no point in the regs does it state that the projectile point must be steel or metallic in nature. I'm asking for your thoughts on this. I'd hate to bring it up to a game warden, because we all know things can suddenly change if the "high uppers" get hold of something they don't know the answer to or don't understand. So I'm asking you for your thoughts on the subject. Not that I'm ready to make that jump right away in into hunting with stone heads right now but it'd be nice knowing weather or not I could. And also if you are a flint knapper if you would post some pics for us to enjoy that would be awesome! I enjoy seeing what some people create with just primitive objects. Or if you have some pics of what you've found that would be even better!! Nothing like holding a stone point in your hands that was crafted long ago, its like a direct link into our ancient past, as a way to gather around the camp fire with our ancestors from hunts long ago.