The word Traditional is overused a lot and I am guilty of it myself. But let us also consider that the crossbow is a very old weapon and there have been many "heated" debates on whether or not users of crossbows should be considered archers.
Bruinbow, I totally agree with you that the use of a longbow, recurve and stickbow does warrant proper respect and attention by the hunting community and governing agencies.
Personally speaking, I would love to see the state game departments allow users of primitive archery a special season much like some states do for primitive firearms. But defining what is considered primitive or traditional could take years and years of debate. Again, look at the crossbow for example. Could it be as simple as not allowing the use of sights, modern broadheads and the weapon must be made entirely of wood and string? Where does one stop? What is the defining element of modern?
One of the benifits of being human is that we tend to constantly evolve and improve. Modern stickbows with the use of fiberglass, modern adhesives and improved string materials are a far cry from the bows used by the native Americans and their predecessors. This is only the bow now and the evolution of the arrow, well that's a very long discussion too.
Here is my last point and then I will step down from the "soap box". The pursuit and hunting of game is a privilege that we currently all share. Division amongst hunters can and will likely lead to the restraint and possible loss of this time honored tradition and priviledge. We must all be careful not to offend others that share our passion to pursue game and instead welcome and encourage other similar minded folks that will allow further strength in numbers and defense of our love of this sport.