Mike problem is thst no matter how much care you take building it, No matter how much you warn the guys ,it generally checks 6 months to a year after its built and it also seperates along glass and phenolic stripes. They always want to know if you can fix it and the answer is always yes and at the time and expense of completely refinishing the risers.
so far with mine its like a 90 percent thing; That makes it not worth doing to me and to many other bowyers. Besides that you get the stuff and its supposed to be dry and isn't, a lot of times you cannot even get a decent riser out of it ect. Thats how its been in my experience with Dalmation, black and White and Gabon ebony. Macassar not so bad but still some.
I will grant you it does make one fantastic looking bow though.
God bless you all, Steve