Some of the well-known bowyers have chosen to expand their shops into mini-factories over the years. You can't recover the cost of expensive cnc machines unless you produce a lot of bows. When demand falls off, they sometimes continue to make bows in order to avoid laying off people. Normally you can get these stock bows for a discount, either stated or there if you ask for it. This has some effect on the price of used bows, since either way you're not getting a custom bow, but if you buy a new bow from the bowyer you're getting whatever protection from defects, etc., he might offer.
Foreign manufacturers like Samik are able to make a good quality entry level bow for a very low price, and some higher tier bows for good prices too. This hasn't had much of an effect on the top dozen or so bowyers in the country yet, since people are still willing to pay premium prices for a new custom bow from a top-notch bowyer, but has an effect on the used market, where somebody might have a choice of getting a new Samik for half the price of a used bow, which already might be offered for half the price it was originally sold for.