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Author Topic: What's going on with........  (Read 1508 times)

Offline German Dog

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What's going on with........
« on: March 01, 2013, 01:30:00 PM »
all the used bows and at such low prices?  

Yeah I like to scan the classifieds here on tradgang and man there really is alot of bows up for sale and some with crazy low prices.  I wonder are the bowyers short on work or just guys not wanting used bows and ordering new stuff?

Offline LongStick64

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Re: What's going on with........
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2013, 01:50:00 PM »
It is actually alarming to me as well. There are some spectacular deals. I know I had an awesome bow, mint condition and I couldn't sell it close to what it is really worth. Part of me thinks many have decided that a simple bow will work just as well as a fancy one so why spend the extra cash.
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Offline gringol

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Re: What's going on with........
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2013, 01:54:00 PM »
For me, if the difference between a custom bow and a used bow is only $100-$200 I would rather save the money and go with a custom.  My custom bow is just a used bow to anyone else, and likewise your custom bow is just a used bow to me.

Offline BWD

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Re: What's going on with........
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2013, 02:03:00 PM »
Current administration doing poorly when it comes to food, clothing, and shelter.
"If I had tried a little harder and practiced a little more, by now I could have been average"...Me

Offline xtrema312

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Re: What's going on with........
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2013, 02:21:00 PM »
We need those tax refunds to start showing up.

There are a lot of good deals, but not one that is a bow I want.  That is part of it. Lots of too light, some too heavy and plenty too short.  Many titles have caught my eye the last month, but all turned out to be outside my spec's.
1 Timothy 4:4(NKJV)
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Firefly Long Bow  James 4:14
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Offline DeerBacon

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Re: What's going on with........
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2013, 02:21:00 PM »
I'm with gringol on this one. Plus someone else name on the bow is a deal breaker for me.
" I got a new bow for my wife, It was the best trade I ever made! "

Offline kill shot

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Re: What's going on with........
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2013, 02:43:00 PM »
Buying a used bow or even a new bow without trying it first is risky. Was the bow well taken care of? Was it strung wth a stringer? Will it shoot well for you? Why are they selling it? Is it exactly what your looking for? If the deal is good enough maybe it's worth taking a chance on it.

Offline pruiter

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Re: What's going on with........
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2013, 03:06:00 PM »
Prices are to high on most bows, $100 or $200 below cost of new just don't work. 1/2 maybe, used is used. Like many have mentioned a bows is costume one time. There are people buying and giving bows a spit and polish, with the hopes of flipping

 Many good bowyers here on site selling very good bows at very good prices. If a person can wait, the reward for new far exceeds price and risk of used
May you have interesting times

66" Dywer original  long bow 55pds@28"
66" J.D. Berry Vipor  longbow  71pds@28"
60" JD Berry Renassaince, longbow 50pds @27"

Online McDave

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Re: What's going on with........
« Reply #8 on: March 01, 2013, 04:22:00 PM »
Some of the well-known bowyers have chosen to expand their shops into mini-factories over the years.  You can't recover the cost of expensive cnc machines unless you produce a lot of bows.  When demand falls off, they sometimes continue to make bows in order to avoid laying off people.  Normally you can get these stock bows for a discount, either stated or there if you ask for it.  This has some effect on the price of used bows, since either way you're not getting a custom bow, but if you buy a new bow from the bowyer you're getting whatever protection from defects, etc., he might offer.

Foreign manufacturers like Samik are able to make a good quality entry level bow for a very low price, and some higher tier bows for good prices too. This hasn't had much of an effect on the top dozen or so bowyers in the country yet, since people are still willing to pay premium prices for a new custom bow from a top-notch bowyer, but has an effect on the used market, where somebody might have a choice of getting a new Samik for half the price of a used bow, which already might be offered for half the price it was originally sold for.
TGMM Family of the Bow

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Offline German Dog

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Re: What's going on with........
« Reply #9 on: March 01, 2013, 04:35:00 PM »
So do you think the bowyers are getting less orders if the times are tough?  

I agree a name on a bow is deal breaker for me. then again I'm not buy and sell kinda guy so for me I'd rather spend the extra and get one made just for me. But I did take advantage of a used GN bushbow with no name on it for my step son and it turned out to be a really sweet bow.

Online McDave

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Re: What's going on with........
« Reply #10 on: March 01, 2013, 04:44:00 PM »
Bows are definitely descretionary spending, especially after the first one.  If people are worried about their jobs they probably won't buy that second or tenth bow.  People who have lost their jobs may have to sell most, or maybe even all of their bows.

BTW, most bowyers put the name on after all but the last coat of finish has gone on, so it is easy to remove the name with a little light sanding through the top coat of finish only, and after you put a coat or two of the appropriate finish over where you sanded, you'd never know there had been anything there.  The chances are, at some point, you're going to get a scratch on the bow that you're going to want to repair, and it will be a bigger job than removing someone's name.
TGMM Family of the Bow

Technology....the knack of arranging the world so that we don't have to experience it.

Offline pruiter

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Re: What's going on with........
« Reply #11 on: March 01, 2013, 05:11:00 PM »
you bring up a vary valid point on oversea production

I maintain a home in southeast asia where there is a local shooting club.  knockoff bows i've seen being shot there are just scary.  I could get a very good shooting bow for under $100 .

 The cost of a wooden arrow complete, under $1.00
May you have interesting times

66" Dywer original  long bow 55pds@28"
66" J.D. Berry Vipor  longbow  71pds@28"
60" JD Berry Renassaince, longbow 50pds @27"

Offline Froggy

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Re: What's going on with........
« Reply #12 on: March 01, 2013, 05:28:00 PM »
Sign of the times, gonna get worse...

TGMM  >>>>---------> Family of the bow

Offline eflanders

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Re: What's going on with........
« Reply #13 on: March 01, 2013, 05:46:00 PM »
With all due respect to McDave, are you certain of your facts?  I have met many a bowyer and I don't many that have CNC machines...  That being said some of the production bows are really decent but I haven't seen too many of them dropping their prices.

I do agree with many that the economy is a big factor and that fewer and fewer folks can really afford much in the way of discretionary spending.  In my opinion this has more to do with the price of the used bows more than anything.  Folks are needing money for other things and thus they are willing to take less for what they are selling in order to get what they need.  Simple economics really, supply and demand combined with less money to pay for things.

Oh and by the way, can you all spell sequester?  It does look like it's going to get worse now!

Offline pruiter

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Re: What's going on with........
« Reply #14 on: March 01, 2013, 05:58:00 PM »
 Sadly much worse.  Until used bow price grasp the realty of current market. Unfilled listing in classified will remain mainly Unfilled.
 Government state all is well. We just cant notice for the void in our wallets, which one held cash
May you have interesting times

66" Dywer original  long bow 55pds@28"
66" J.D. Berry Vipor  longbow  71pds@28"
60" JD Berry Renassaince, longbow 50pds @27"

Offline maineac

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Re: What's going on with........
« Reply #15 on: March 01, 2013, 05:59:00 PM »
BWD, that could be stated, haven't been able to fill the hole left by the past administration. How about the economy is making it hard for extra's in the archer's budget.
The season gave him perfect mornings, hunter's moons and fields of freedom found only by walking them with a predator's stride.
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Offline ChuckC

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Re: What's going on with........
« Reply #16 on: March 01, 2013, 07:46:00 PM »
Names come off pretty easily.  If it saves me a few hundred dollars off a bow I want. . .  write whatever you want on it and I will take it.

Regarding overseas production...  don't blame the government.  We are the ones buying that stuff and sending our jobs overseas.  


Offline Brianlocal3

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Re: What's going on with........
« Reply #17 on: March 01, 2013, 08:09:00 PM »
Chuck is 100% right there. I am in the construction trades and hunting and other money items had to be cut back some, but I have been blessed in that I could still afford some discretionary spending. BUT I live well beneath my means also. Plenty of my co-workers are living is 250,000 dollar houses so when tough times come they scramble.   I make the same money but live in a $100,000 house and my truck is paid off, so I have alot more left over after bills.  SOOOOO, I spend it in bows and arrows Ha. I don't really want a "nice" home, I want my land and my toys
JD Berry Taipan (original) 53@28 62”
Cascade mountain Brush Hawk 53@28 56”

Offline Brianlocal3

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Re: What's going on with........
« Reply #18 on: March 01, 2013, 08:15:00 PM »
Oh and, like was mentioned you can get fantastic bows, custom made for you at or below the cost of some of the used ones too. Example.. JD berry Vixen or Misty dawn are Hill style bows custom made for $485!!!! Or a sweet mild d/r bow , the JD Berry Argos that is super quick for  yep, $485.  I choose 33yrs of experience and a short wait
JD Berry Taipan (original) 53@28 62”
Cascade mountain Brush Hawk 53@28 56”

Offline pruiter

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Re: What's going on with........
« Reply #19 on: March 01, 2013, 08:20:00 PM »
Don't blame the government?

When I was  kid, governments measured C.p.i as a basket of goods bought in country of consumption.

Today C.P.I is measured on goods produced worldwide

As much as shopping at home sounds like a great idea,  My currant income is based on worldwide distribution of products.

 Am Canadian and fully put blame on Canadian government polices. Thing might be very well different in U.S.A
May you have interesting times

66" Dywer original  long bow 55pds@28"
66" J.D. Berry Vipor  longbow  71pds@28"
60" JD Berry Renassaince, longbow 50pds @27"

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