We have had a really windy day here, and dry..
It's been really dry for the last week or so and very difficult to be quiet while walking in the woods.. Today, however, we have had wind !!! Probably 20-30 mph gusts with steady 15+ mph winds.. Given that I thought I might be able to slip up on something this evening..
I strung my bow and left the truck, walking into the wind. After a mile or so I saw a few pigs 7 or 800 yards away, I had plenty of daylight so off I went. I got within 60 yards pretty easily but eveything on the ground was making noise as I moved along. I stopped and watched their movement wondering if they might feed my way. They did, kind off. But I had to keep working the wind and was able to gain a few yards at a time.
After 30 minutes or so I was getting in my comfort range of under 30 yards. There were a couple of large sows in this bunch and I was wanting one of them but there were also 7 or 8 smaller pigs. A couple of the smaller ones were just about to get downwind so I went ahead and shot the closest one. He was around 20-25 yards when the arrow passed through him.. He ran in my direction and I could tell by the way he was running that he wouldn't go far. He passed by me about 10 yards away and went into some thick brush.. I retrieved the arrow then took the blood trail immediatly.. I trailed the blood to him in just a few minutes. He was down but upright and not quite gone.. I had an arrow with an Ace Hex blunt in my quiver. He was facing me, lying down just a few yards away. He was very sick and not going anywhere. I came to full draw and placed the blunt between his eyes and he rolled over. I was using the same 63# Hill and a GT 5575 with a Grizzly..
Hey, if it ain't broke ---!