My next run-in was Saturday. I was in the uplands hunting in rows of planted pines. The pines were on raised rows and in between the earth was scooped out in a small trench. Water filled the trench, and Ray said the pigs searched along the flooded banks looking for worms and salamanders. Fresh pig sign was everywhere. After moving very slowly (5 s-l-o-w steps and then waiting a few minutes while scanning the woods) I needed a break. I'm not sure about you guys, but it takes a lot of concentration to hunt this way, and I tend to take a break every hour or so. My hunting buddy jokes that it is hunting tai-chi. This break was right at lunch. A little voice in the back of my head said it was a bad idea to stop in this much sign, but I did it anyway. Well, you guessed it, right when I was getting out my sandwich, I looked up and there was a big, black boar looking right at me not more than 10 feet away. I couldn't believe it :mad: What bad timing on my part. Because I was crouched down, he kept looking at me like he was trying to figure out what I was. When he lowered his head, I reached for my bow, but as I slowly lifted it up he did a 180 and took off. I was frustrated at myself for such a rookie move, but I know better for next time. The amazing thing to me is that such a large animal could get so close to me without making a noise.
All in all Ray's place is a lot of fun, and he is a great host. I also met some great guys. If I had done my part I could have come home with two pigs. There's always next time...