Bill you mean the former site of the Brown Beaver Inn! Things are doing well here. Good to hear from you.
This is my first Treadway Bow, but not for the lack of trying. I've been on Mikes list for 3 years.My wait was due to loss of work and a major slow down. Mike was nice enough to let me stay on the list through my tough times. That in my estimate say's a lot about a person. He's a great person to talk to and none of our many conversations were any less than an hour on the phone. I've owned many bows, but I've never had a bowyer take interest in his customers like Mike Treadway. For that alone his bows rate high in my book. I shot all his offerings this past ETAR. I picked the Black swamp over the Black Forest. I just liked the way it fit me, although Mike had a 2 piece longbow that was running neck and neck with the Black Swamp.