I am going to throw my method out, this will go the opposite of what most have posted, but since I have started this 3 yrs ago, I have killed a Coyote sleeping at 12 yards, a 150 buck raising from his bed at 18 yards, and missed a 130 at 25 yards, had several small buck and does withing 29 yards.
Here goes;
it does not matter if wet or dry, the key is just not sounding like a human, we are going to make noise.
I shuffle my feet, no steps long enough to see daylight between my legs from the side i.e. 10 -12" I do not pick my feet up more than a couple of inches, just slide them along, you never get caught off balance, and can move with game looking at you.
I try to never break out of the shuffle after starting, it is hard to get back into it and you may alert game you spent hours getting close to.
Shadows are great, but I disagree with the predator mode, you need to belong and avoid any predictor moves, i.e. squatting, hiding behind trees etc.
I had a 6 point walk by me at 30 yards while standing in the open, after he walked by I decided to take a knee and let him get out of the area, when I did he was 50 yards past me and alerted and flagged out of the area, I realized I had made a classic predator move.
if you try this you will be amazed at how you stalk right by feeding squirrels at 10 yards, but a warning, it seems effortless, but you may not be able to get out of bed the next day... Good luck.