This will be my first year turkey hunting, I hope I have more success than I did deer hunting lol, but I always enjoy being out hunting regardless of whether I see or harvest game.
My IDEAS for a blind (and I say ideas because I haven't put them into practice yet... I have some realtree camo mesh, and some Turkey Thugs camo fabric, the solid kind thats got some leafy shapes already cut into it. My plan is the find a naturally downed tree, cedar preferably, hack out a few of the larger branches of under it and place them on the back side and then clean out all the leaves so I can move soundlessly and then using the solid camo fabric with the leave shapes, paracord and branches cut into stakes make a 12-16" high blind around me and then use the camo mesh to fill in holes and use natural shooting lanes. I'm sure I'll fail alot, learn alot, and have alot of fun lol.