A sincere "Thank You!" to all of you for your congrats!! I really appreciate it! It's so amazing to see so many fellow archers genuinely happy for each other's successes. It's one of the reasons I'm so proud and humbled to be part of such a great fraternity. Thanks again!
To Jim and Irv of True South Adventures, I had an amazing hunt and can't wait to return! Irv and Jim are hard working outfitters, guides and hunters and are in this for all of the right reasons. If you're interested in taking a swing at an Osceola, give TSAs your consideration. They have a large population of birds w/little to no hunting pressure. I saw and heard birds every day of my hunt and their property is crawling with critters of all kinds from birds, to hogs, to armadillo, to gators and snakes!! A True South Adventure!!!!

Sean has been texting me updates and has been talking w/ some gobblers last night and this AM. It's just a matter of time, buddy!! Continued luck and I can't wait to hear all the details, Sean.
Good Hunting to Y'all!!