Dont mind at all. As I said before, when I pulled up at the ranch both Cam and Dustin were waiting outside. I don't remember exactly what I said, because I was pretty tired at this point. I figured they either got one or needed help tracking one, and they indicated the latter.
We piled into the truck after I got my good bright light. I was lamenting not having the light with me the night that I shot my hog, and was really glad to have it with me this time. As we pulled onto the road toward the feeder Dustin started baiting me by asking what it was that was on the road up ahead. Was it his hog? As we got closer I could see a folded chair and said as much, disregarding his comments about the hog. Not sure what he would have done had I seen the hog folded chair was concealing.
We got out and Dustin starting showing me where the hog went down, and there was plenty of blood there, but nowhere else. He showed me where it went into the brush, and I started going in, light in hand. I saw about 20 sets of tracks going in multiple directions, and questioned Dustin about it. He said he had been all over in there. I am not sure what I said, but I was for sure thinking that I wished he hadn't done that on a sparse blood trail, but proceded forward. I found some blood and said loudly, 'I got some blood here'. Then Cam chimes in from around 30 yards away back on the road 'I got blood here. You don't think that thing circled around all the way back here. I backed out to the road hoping to pick up the track further along, and there was Cam and Dustin with sheepish grins on their faces next to the hog easily seen from this direction. The boys really got me. I was really glad Dustin was able to recover his nice sow, and also glad to not have to track in that thick brush. It still was pretty late by the time we finished, and we didn't really have time to get adequate rest and still get our gear packed up and head out for a morning hunt, so this was the end of the hunt for us. I really had a good time, but next time I would probably prefer to have at least one extra day of hunting. Not sure if Cam has anything to add about his last day of hunting, but it was a really good time that I wish some other tradgangers could have experienced with us. Maybe next year.