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Author Topic: Expedition Hog Heaven  (Read 3811 times)

Offline Biggamefish

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Re: Expedition Hog Heaven
« Reply #20 on: March 19, 2013, 03:30:00 PM »
Saturday started slow I stalked the swamp from the  turkey foot towards blue lake.  I had to do some circles in there because the wind couldn't make up it's mind which way it wanted to blow.  My circles got smaller and smaller as the wind picked up until it felt like I was going to walk a hole into the swamp bottom.  I made it down to the double feeder only running into a Tom turkey who was on high gobble.  Him calling in that swamp was something cool to hear.  I got a quick glimpse of him as I came around a tree.  He would have been a trophy for sure he was a big bird.  

  I took the road back to the turkey foot.  By the time i got back it was 1100 and I was hungry.  I made my way through a little patch of woods near the car as I was suppose to meet my hunting bud Steve H back at the car at 1200.  I was slowly stalking through palmetto's and boom up jumps a pig 20 to 25 yards from me.  Alls I can see is the palmettos waving back and forth and the back of this pig running away from me.  I only heard one pig take off and saw nothing with him so I assumed it was another big boar.  With his back sticking above the palmettos made me believe he was a trophy one.
Now if you are keeping count that is two pigs within 25 yards of me and I saw neither until they decided I was too close.  I was thinking to myself I need to figure something else out being as big as they are I should be seeing them. Boy they sure can blend in.  
  I hear the gator go by which means they must be corning the swamp roads and it was time to meet Steve.  I Headed back to the truck were nobody was to be found so being the last full day of hunting I decided that it was going to be a full day hunt.  

I headed back to the turkey foot this time I headed right.
“Respect nature and its ways, for it will teach you more than you know.”   M.P.

Offline Biggamefish

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Re: Expedition Hog Heaven
« Reply #21 on: March 19, 2013, 05:42:00 PM »
Here is some video that Steve H took.  

“Respect nature and its ways, for it will teach you more than you know.”   M.P.

Offline ALDO

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Re: Expedition Hog Heaven
« Reply #22 on: March 19, 2013, 05:50:00 PM »
OK I was going to add some to this story but not after that photo.
"One does not hunt in order to kill; on the contrary, one kills in order to have hunted."
     Jose Ortega y Gasset

Offline Squirrel Bait

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Re: Expedition Hog Heaven
« Reply #23 on: March 19, 2013, 06:14:00 PM »
Yall got to stop talking so sweet about me, yall gonna make me BLUSH !!!
If you've never been in the woods at daylight, and seen the world come alive, you haven't " Lived".

Offline Biggamefish

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Re: Expedition Hog Heaven
« Reply #24 on: March 19, 2013, 06:18:00 PM »
Aldo chime in it is lonely telling stories all by myself. Lol hopefully Steve chimes in so I can post some of his pics.  Although it might be tough since he doesn't have a phone do to some of the hunting . Lol.
“Respect nature and its ways, for it will teach you more than you know.”   M.P.

Offline Cyclic-Rivers

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Re: Expedition Hog Heaven
« Reply #25 on: March 19, 2013, 06:39:00 PM »
Good stuff Matt.  I thought the gator was fake till it moved.

Good luck getting Steve to post lol.  What's he up to?  5?   :laughing:

You'll live longer!

Charlie Janssen

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Re: Expedition Hog Heaven
« Reply #26 on: March 19, 2013, 10:30:00 PM »
Looks like you guys had a great time I am taking my son on May 2 .We can't waite

Offline Cyclic-Rivers

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Re: Expedition Hog Heaven
« Reply #27 on: March 20, 2013, 06:46:00 AM »
where is everyone   :confused:   12 hours without any more tales or tails for that matter   :wavey:

You'll live longer!

Charlie Janssen

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Wisconsin Traditional Archers

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Offline wapiti792

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Re: Expedition Hog Heaven
« Reply #28 on: March 20, 2013, 10:31:00 AM »
Get to it slackers  :)
Mike Davenport

Offline Biggamefish

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Re: Expedition Hog Heaven
« Reply #29 on: March 20, 2013, 11:25:00 AM »
Gonna have to wait till tonight work work work.   I to make money so I can go next year.
“Respect nature and its ways, for it will teach you more than you know.”   M.P.

Offline ALDO

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Re: Expedition Hog Heaven
« Reply #30 on: March 20, 2013, 01:05:00 PM »
Boy the price you pay for taking a couple of days off to chase hogs.  If it wasn't for this site I would have already forgot I went.  Anyway,
Good time in SC once again.  Good group of guys, never had that many in camp at one time but all went real well.  Fun listening to all the stories, even Mike's, although quite different topics but all goes down easier with his Tenn Whiskey.  Again, congrats to Mike and Matt on their successes, well deserved as all put in a lot of time.  I saw quite a few deer this trip, no alligators, snakes or armidillos.  I did get into a few hogs but the wind was tough.  Saw my first group Friday nite coming in from the boat ramp area.  7 or 8 all pretty small, some footballs, was trying to decide if the two larger ones were more than 50 pounds when the wind shifted and made my decision not to shoot even easier.  Saturday morning found me in the 11 acre field about 10;30am.  Walking the perimeter I spotted to sets of hog ears in the tall grass.  I tried to get around them but no luck.  I worked into the interior of the field and found areas rooted heavily and while I was standing and glassing I heard this grunt!
"One does not hunt in order to kill; on the contrary, one kills in order to have hunted."
     Jose Ortega y Gasset

Offline Bel007

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Re: Expedition Hog Heaven
« Reply #31 on: March 20, 2013, 06:13:00 PM »
Brian - aka "Big Sexy"
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Re: Expedition Hog Heaven
« Reply #32 on: March 20, 2013, 06:14:00 PM »
>>>---TGMM, Family of the Bow--->

Offline Biggamefish

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Re: Expedition Hog Heaven
« Reply #33 on: March 20, 2013, 06:48:00 PM »
Aldo it is tuff getting back into the swing of things.
 Well Aldo gets things straightened out at work I will continue.

  I was headed down the right road and making good time.  I had decided that I was going to slowly walk through the swamp until I found sign then would start my still hunt.  I was walking through and not finding much sign but I just kept at it.

 The wind is gusting but staying steady out of the SW.  I am heading across the wind and taking my time but I am not seeing any pigs or sign.  I finally take a break and get a drink and eat a candy bar, sit for a few minutes and figure the best thing is to just keep on my course. I move into the swamp a little farther and I finally stumbled into some good hog rooting.  Now its time, I get my head mask out and start my slow crawl through this section of the swamp.   It is very wet with standing water all around me and I can see what looks like a stream up ahead.  I don't know why but I pull up my bino's and look forward and see a glimpse of black moving through the swamp.  Could it be did I finally the pigs.  I keep scanning and boom there is a red pig then a little white and black spotted one pops out.  There they are and I am on to them.  There are 4-5 smaller pigs and two big pigs.  They don't even know I exist so now I have the upper hand.
“Respect nature and its ways, for it will teach you more than you know.”   M.P.

Offline Biggamefish

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Re: Expedition Hog Heaven
« Reply #34 on: March 20, 2013, 08:06:00 PM »
The pigs are moving from my left to my right and as usual they are making some good time.  I have to cover 40 yards so I get low and start heading to my right to get in front of them.  I am using the big cypress trees to block me as much as possible.  I cover 15 yards and get stuck in between some palmetto's and thorns.  I weasel my way through the palmetto's and get to a stream but the pigs are heading right to me.  The wind is cooperating and it seems everything is falling into place.  All of the sudden the little red one turns around and heads back the way it came from.  He also takes all the other little pigs with it now I have to figure out what to do.  

  I am looking at these pigs that are under 30 yards from me but they are moving away from me. I have a 20ft wide stream in between me and them and they aren't sitting around waiting for me to decide what to do.
  In about 2 seconds I decide I am going in and nothing is going to stop me!! I take my first step into the water.  The next step the water goes over the top of my boot and now I am committed.  The pigs a still in front of me and they are back to rooting and eating.  I slide father into the water the depth is at my shins and getting deeper but those pigs are drawing me on.  The water finally gets to just above my knees and levels out.  I look forward for the pigs and they are still eating.  They have slowed their pace (musta found something good to eat).  I can only see one big pig and the little ones gathered around her.  I finally get to the other bank and have to step up to get out.  The pigs are now 15 yards from me but they are behind a big cypress tree.  As I lift my feet out of the water alls I can hear is the water splashing back into the stream as it rolls off of my boots.  I thought for sure the pigs would hear the water but they didn't even raise a nose from the mud.  

I use the big cypress to cover the last 5 yards.  As I sneak my head around the cypress I see the pig that I hadn't see before before.  She is standing 6-7 yards behind the other pigs and she looks to be frozen.  I was thinking she saw me so I freeze and thanks god she just goes back to eating.  Few!!!  I slowly take one step right to get out from behind the cypress.  I bring my Vision up and start to draw hit my anchor point, pick a spot and release.
“Respect nature and its ways, for it will teach you more than you know.”   M.P.

Offline Cyclic-Rivers

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Re: Expedition Hog Heaven
« Reply #35 on: March 20, 2013, 08:32:00 PM »
And??? Good stuff Matt, keep it coming.

you too aldo!

You'll live longer!

Charlie Janssen

PBS Associate Member
Wisconsin Traditional Archers

>~TGMM~> <~Family~Of~The~Bow~<

Offline ALDO

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Re: Expedition Hog Heaven
« Reply #36 on: March 21, 2013, 07:59:00 AM »
Some guys can really tell stories, keep it coming Matt.  In the meantime back in the 11 acre field, after hearing the grunt I know there is a pig within 20 yards or so.  I drop the binos and grab the string, already started tension on the string.  Hear grunt again, right in front of me closer than I even thought and I can't see this pig.  I'm pulling a bit more on the string now thinking something has to happen, and it does.  This hog comes out of the tall grass right in front of me heading for me.  I keep pulling and stand my ground thinking (hoping) he will vere off to one side or he other.  Well at about 15 feet he turns to my right, I swing, pull to anchor and let it fly.  Not the result I was hoping for.  I watch him take off and now I stand there and try and figure out what the heck just happened.
"One does not hunt in order to kill; on the contrary, one kills in order to have hunted."
     Jose Ortega y Gasset

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Re: Expedition Hog Heaven
« Reply #37 on: March 21, 2013, 11:15:00 AM »
Curt } >>--->   

"I love you Daddy".......My son Cade while stump shooting  3/19/06

Offline Ray Hammond

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Re: Expedition Hog Heaven
« Reply #38 on: March 21, 2013, 01:37:00 PM »
Geez you'd think that they were Charlie's boys if you didn't know better huh curt?
“Courageous, untroubled, mocking and violent-that is what Wisdom wants us to be. Wisdom is a woman, and loves only a warrior.” - Friedrich Nietzsche

Offline Izzy

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Re: Expedition Hog Heaven
« Reply #39 on: March 21, 2013, 01:52:00 PM »
Keep me a spot Carpet Bagger, next time the NY Ninja heads down Im going with him. I know the area is lacking in pigs and the company aint much to speak of but could you at least throw a few arrow heads along the road for me to pick up?   :thumbsup:

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