So I recently bought this bow for a garage sale price, it's lefty of course and heavy, 71@31" or 62@28".
Bow is a static recurve takedown, pin/single bolt attachment. Exotic wood riser: bolivian rosewood, padauk, bubinga, and maple. Limb veneers rosewood as well. 62" overall. Stippled grip. Diamondback skins on the back. Phenolic tips reinforced for fastflight.
The ONLY markings on it are on the edge of the bottom limb "71 # @ 31""
There is no bowyer name or anything.
The above info was provided from the person I purchased it from and they are NOT the original owner and don't know or remember any other info about the bow.
The limb design screams JK Chastain/Wapiti. Is it one of his older bows? I know he likes the double limb bolt design, but he has been known to make single bolts too right?
Any ideas who could have made this? Backyard bowyer copying Chastain limb design?
Either way, I'm gonna enjoy it and have fun pulling full length arrows to my ear like I do with my warbow. This should make an outstanding bow for hogs...
*****Update: spoke to a friend of Keith's (tecum-tha) who knows a Chastain bow- this is NOT one. Not even the limbs. It superficially resembles one with a taller riser. Silvertip or something else then...
*****Update: comm'd with Schafer, its most likely not one but Beth is gonna inquire with Dave