Well, turkey season started in Nebraska today. So, even though it was only going to be in the 20's today, a fellow wood bender and I braved the morning and spent five hours of the day in my ground blind. As the sky opened to the day, we were greeted with the sound of ...silence.....not a single gobble. Oh well, it is earley in the season, the action will pick up as the weather turns. I tell my friend that with the birds not talkin before they pitch, that if they came in they would roll in like ninjas. The first 20 min. pass with us laughing, and joking, when my friend states in a very conversational tone " there is a really big tom just the other side of the decoys ". I'm liks yeah right, he says " no really it is only about a yard from the decoys ". I lean over, and holy crap not one but two are commin in hot! Now my friend has never shot a turkey, so we decided ahead of time that he would shoot first........shoot?......um, bud, shoot?.....As I look over at him, my friend is just staring at the birds comming in. Well, not to look a gift turkey in the beak...if he aint gonna shoot I shure the heck am! As I grab my bow, the movement snaps my friend out of his trance....his face was like, oh yeah...I am actually hunting birds today. He grabbs his recurve and readys for the shot, but the turkeys see the movement, deflate and and are prepin to split. I look at my friend and tell him he has to shoot now, the birds are bookin soon. Well, I like my set ups close, and I guess that we should have been ready to take a 4 yard shot, you guessed it, right over the birds back. My turn....now as a seasoned vet of the turkey killin club I line up my slam dunk shot...and give the durn bird a flat-top cut, yup took some feathers right off him...and nuthin els! Still, I have to admit, with the laughter, hoots, and hollers, it was a great start to the season!