Well, I haven't owned one, but I have shot one, I'll tell you what they are a sweet shooter! With that in mind, I will agree, that was one of the best bows I have ever shot shot, although.... there are many out that are just as nice, or just as good as that bow. A friend of mine, who owns the BW that I tried has gone through probably 50 long bows or so searching for his nirvana, and finally just gave up and bought the one he now owns. Looking back on it, he's spent a small fortune in bows before he finally settled one this one. Not saying that these bows are for everyone, nor am I trying to promote them, but like I said before there are many out there that are comparable or just as good, for half the price. My suggestion is find what fits you best, and stick with it, who's ever name on a bow doesn't necessarily its the best bow for you, always try to test drive one before you make that final commitment, you wouldn't buy a truck before you tried it out first would you? I believe black widow has a test drive program...