I made my first boardbow this spring,It is very slow with alot of follow ,but still shoots.I decided to make a heavier bow to hunt with this year.My second board bow broke on me.My third boardbow turned out to be 56# @28,fairly quick and a good shooter.I also made two stave bows out of locust and osage.They were out of very thin inferior staves,and both these bows turned out very light.They were good experience anyway.Now hunting season is aproaching and my third boardbow started to crack.I had one dry stave left it was Ash.I started making it into a bow yesterday.It turned out 50# with alot of follow.I decided to wrap the handle and finish it today,thought I may have made this years hunting bow.After 20 or 30 arrows it broke.So now I am against season with no selfbow this year.I could use my first boardbow,butit is down to 40# and very slow,I would not feel comfortable past 10 yards.I am depressed ,practiced all summer with a bow that broke before season.Just had to vent. :( :( ....Joe