Well we are back and we had a fantastic trip! I'll start the story tellin' briefly tonight, but probably won't be completely finished for a couple of days. I had an absolutely fabulous time with Joe (Whip)and Jeff (Tippit). These guys are first class and would make a welcome addition to any adventure.
From the moment that I picked them up at the airport on Thursday evening I knew that I was in for a treat. I had had the pleasure of spending some time with Joe last summer in Wisconsin, but this was the first opportunity that I had to meet Jeff.
Because of their reputation for bringing record floods with them wherever they go I was worried about the weather forecast. As a measure of good luck, I wore my lucky St Jude's Otter Skin hat to breakfast Friday morning. As it turned out that was a good move becasue we were blessed with wonderful weather all weekend.
Left to right: My son, Reed, me, my Dad (who graciously dropped us off and retreived us from the trip, my friend Jim Wohrley, Joe, and Jeff.