Having one bow would be like having only one fishing rod, or one flashlight, or one knife, or one pair of shoes, or one.... ok I'll stop there lol. I could never do it, gotta have one thats right for every situation. Sure I could catch crappie with my bass rod, but it wouldn't be the right tool for the job, just like turkey hunting with a 68" longbow in thick cover wouldn't be as effective as my 48" bow. Right now I have 5 bows, and although none of them are the thousand dollar dream sticks some of you tote they all have a place in my arsenal and I have more to add.
1. Red oak longbow backed with canvas. This was my first bow, its 72" and 35# @ 32" I only use it for plinking, won't give it up cause it was my first lol.
2. Hickory selfbow, backup/loaner for bow fishing
3. Heavier poundage hickory selfbow, my bowfishing bow.
4. 62" Osage selfbow, 45# @ 28". My deer hunting bow from last season. Hope to have something a little heavier by next season, but I still plan to take a deer with this someday.
5. 48" Bear Supermag 45# @ 28". This is my turkey/rabbit/thick cover bow.
Bows that I plan to add to the list are...
6. A 68" 55# Reflex Deflex longbow for 3D and competition shooting.
7. A 60" 60# Reflex Deflex osage selfbow for deer/bear/elk hunting.
8. Another recurve like my supermag, but in the 58-64" range 55ish draw weight.
9. Either an Attila bows Ares Horsebow, or a Bearpaw Horsebow Express, cause they look freaking awesome. Maybe both someday, the Express has a center cut arrow shelf.
10. Probably an English Yew Warbow, 100# draw just for the heck of it lol.
And honestly, I doubt I will stop there cause I would also like someday to have a static recurve osage selfbow, and a take down bow of some kind.