Here are my thoughts:
I've only got two hands and can only shoot one bow so there's nothing wrong with havign one bow, especially given the cost of a bow. It's great to have a backup, god forbid you're primary bow breaks.
I've only bought 2 trad bows. they're both York Thunderbolt recurves. One is "mine" and the other is for converting my compound shooting friends. It's a 49#er so most ppl can draw it, and I can hand it to a friend without worrying, It cost me $90.
Since then I started making my own bows and probably have a dozen good hunting bows ... so the point is more moot, but I still feel better handing a glass bow to a newbie than a treasured wood bow. I'm also working on equipping my buddies with there own wood bows ... btu the basic point remains:
Have one good bow, and a backup/loaner. It just makes sense.