As promised, and I'll do as many names as I can with my faulty memory -
Woods, William Batten's girlfriend's sister (in purple) and the GF beyond her, Bryan Batten, Bryan's wife's head, Trish, Mills, and the back of Taylor Batten's head (Taylor is Bryan's son and Don's Grandson)
Trish (in bright orange) top-left. At closer table, Wendy & Betsy, Earl, Michael, and Tommy's back:
William, Bryan , Cory, Don, Michael's head,
My plate - they made it as big as the rest, though i shouldn't eat that much I wouldn't want to mess with Cory's beautiful presentation (so I ate almost every bite of it). I think I'm still full - LOL let's see what i can remember here. Meat was Top Tenderloin (as I recall) drizzled with a Cherry gravy/sauce (mmmmm-good), a special dish of cheese and grits that looked like a baked potato and was sooooo good, a Purple cabbage and onion salad/slaw, a fried tomato slice, a butternut squash concoction to die for. Let me look and see if i missed anything. Oh by all means - beside the grits, braised in butter shrimp with a pineapple and nut sauce, and a slice of Charcoal broiled bread that Cory bakes. After this a desert was served that i failed to get a picture of. It was strawberries & Blackberries with whipped cream in a two piece pastry with nutella sauce drizzled over the top. I can't believe I ate the whole thing - Groannnnnnnnnnnnnn, and thank you Lord, and Cory.
A wide shot of the group:
Don, at sink duty, Tommy (back-to), Cory, and a "Red Solo Cup" to signify the good times had by all - LOL
(And even more pics to come)