In Michigan it would technically be called target shooting on public land and, therefor, illegal. CO's are human like the rest of us. I've met quite a few and have never had a problem.
I was doing some fishing in Ontario, Canada while on a bear hunt with my two sons. We were approached by two COs who asked us if we had a permit to fish that particular water. We showed them our Ontario fishing license and they explained that the particular water we were fishing required a special permit. They had chatted with us a bit before telling us we were violating the law and when we told them we didn't realize we were, they let us leave with no ticket. They even recommended a nearby lake where no special permit was required.
There are many animals in season here year-round and I always buy a small game license each year. The few times I've been approached by a CO when I was out with a bow or .22 handgun we chatted a bit about being out in the woods and how relaxing it was. They would ask to see my small game license and say "have a nice day".
I suspect if I started out with "I'm not hunting anything and you can't stop me from walking in the woods with my bow" it would turn out that he had been watching me shooting pine cones or stumps or some other target, and I would get a lecture about target shooting being illegal, followed by a ticket when I reacted negatively. Personally, I like seeing them out doing their jobs. There's a huge amount of poaching that goes on that I appreciate them trying to control.