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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: Which do you prefer straight or reflex/deflex  (Read 3640 times)

Offline Mr. fingers

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Which do you prefer straight or reflex/deflex
« on: April 21, 2013, 09:48:00 AM »
I am looking for some help at buying a new long bow. I currently shoot a recurve . I read an article by Joe Blake on the best of both worlds so off that I am leaning to the r/d. But a lot do you guys prefer the straight or D
Which style do you prefer and why please include pros and cons of both ? And which do you think would be best for me to try?
Thank you.

Offline flinthead

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Re: Which do you prefer straight or reflex/deflex
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2013, 09:53:00 AM »
Just one opinion-try a 3 piece r/d longbow like Hummingbird. Their are several great bowyers out there and the difference in the best of their products is personal preference.
R/D 3 piece gives enough mass to eliminate handshock . Hummingbird longbows have the smoothest draw of any longbows I have shot. A 3 piece gives you options if you want different limbs[poundage, weight] to shoot w/o buying another whole bow. Thanks, Roy
Maybe it is time to shoot what I have on the rack

Offline Lamey

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Re: Which do you prefer straight or reflex/deflex
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2013, 09:58:00 AM »
I like the bows with very slight R/D that still string up to a D.  You gain some performance and arguably lose some shock/thump, without giving up anything in my view.

Some great examples of these mild R/D bows that string to a D are (in no order),  Fox Traditional, Northern Mist Baraga/Superior, Crow Creek Dalton, Liberty Contender, Mohawk. There are many more, but those above are a few ive shot and can highly recomend.

Offline Mr. fingers

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Re: Which do you prefer straight or reflex/deflex
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2013, 09:59:00 AM »
Thanks Roy I will check em out.

Offline Mr. fingers

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Re: Which do you prefer straight or reflex/deflex
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2013, 10:02:00 AM »
Thanks Lamey I was giving the NM Baraga a had look.

Offline Bullfrog 1

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Re: Which do you prefer straight or reflex/deflex
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2013, 10:54:00 AM »
I have owned all the bows Matt mentioned and in that class I actually like A Dwyer original best. The grip for me is perfect, it's fast quiet and Forgiving.   BILL


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Re: Which do you prefer straight or reflex/deflex
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2013, 11:05:00 AM »
Originally posted by Mr. fingers:
I am looking for some help at buying a new long bow. I currently shoot a recurve . I read an article by Joe Blake on the best of both worlds so off that I am leaning to the r/d. But a lot do you guys prefer the straight or D
Which style do you prefer and why please include pros and cons of both ? And which do you think would be best for me to try?
Thank you.
I cannot for the life of me think of any advantage to a straight bow that bends to the "D" shape, over a reflex /defelex bow that takes the same "D" shape at brace height, and stores more energy, and delivers less hand shock, with much higher performance....

I suppose you could sharpen the straight bow on the end and use it for a spear.....   :dunno:

Offline Bladepeek

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Re: Which do you prefer straight or reflex/deflex
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2013, 11:13:00 AM »
"I suppose you could sharpen the straight bow on the end and use it for a spear..... [dunno]"

That's gonna ruffle some feathers but it is funny!
60" Bear Super K LH 40#@28
69" Matt Meacham LH 42@28
66" Swift Wing LH 35@28
54" Java Man Elk Heart LH 43@28
62"/58" RER LXR LH 44/40@28

Offline damascusdave

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Re: Which do you prefer straight or reflex/deflex
« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2013, 11:20:00 AM »
I have never owned or even shot a longbow that is not reflex/deflex (or is that deflex/reflex)...which as far as I am concerned means that I am missing something...it may not be my next bow, since I keep getting sidetracked, but at some point I am going to have a true D shaped longbow...and maybe it will be 70 inches long...and I know that does not make any sense at all...and I am just going to do it anyway...if I was only going to have one longbow it would be as Kirk says...as if I will ever have only one longbow   :laughing:
I set out a while ago to reduce my herd of 40 bows...And I am finally down to 42

Offline damascusdave

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Re: Which do you prefer straight or reflex/deflex
« Reply #9 on: April 21, 2013, 11:24:00 AM »
Just realized that I did shoot some sort of PSE D-shaped longbow once in a big box store with an archery department...that was about as ugly shooting a bow as I have ever experienced...so not gonna get one of those

I set out a while ago to reduce my herd of 40 bows...And I am finally down to 42

Offline Brianlocal3

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Re: Which do you prefer straight or reflex/deflex
« Reply #10 on: April 21, 2013, 11:44:00 AM »
I personally prefer the strait limbed longbows. Why?? Honestly it's probably the thought of them. BUT a well built straightlimbed bow will not have the uncomfortable thump people talk about.  The JD Berry Vixen is very smooth to draw, has great cast, no discernible Handshock to speak of and it's just a true classic.  

I have owned my fair share of r/d that string to "d" also and for the life of me, the mild r/d bows just don't seem go offer any advantage TO ME that a good straight limbed cannot give. My NM superior , Yellowstone, Mohawk, Bear Montana, Dave Wallace, (there are more ) all seemed to have a more uncomfortable release TO ME when compared to my Vixen, Morningstar , Misty Dawb, HHA Wesley, NM classics. Could just be perception but I like the draw and feel of release of a straightlimbed bow over the R/Ds
JD Berry Taipan (original) 53@28 62”
Cascade mountain Brush Hawk 53@28 56”

Offline Mr. fingers

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Re: Which do you prefer straight or reflex/deflex
« Reply #11 on: April 21, 2013, 01:11:00 PM »
So are D bow more about nostalgia than performance?

Offline Bjorn

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Re: Which do you prefer straight or reflex/deflex
« Reply #12 on: April 21, 2013, 01:23:00 PM »
Preferences are personal you need to determine yours. Straight limbed bows have a huge following so there must be something to them. For myself I prefer an R/D with a shelf cut past center. Performance is not just speed it is the whole package and includes accuracy, pointing ability, pointing speed-in general how it behaves for you.

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Re: Which do you prefer straight or reflex/deflex
« Reply #13 on: April 21, 2013, 02:02:00 PM »
So I hear that 53 is going move. Anyway, a straight grip/straight limb Hill style bow, providing you shoot them like Hill or Schulz, can give the ability to get an accurate shot off with fluid quickness.  I have been shooting longbows for many years and I can honestly say that it is perhaps more about the bows grip and the shooting style than the actual final limb shape. A reflex/deflex bow with a dark wood riser, with is low wrist grip can be shot with that form just as well as the standard Hill style bow. For some there may more forgiveness in the release with the string follow or the straight limb, either my release is good or I am not a good enough shot to tell the difference, I do not know.  The handling of the Hill is really where it's at, that flat sided grip really becomes a part you after a while. However, if you want to shoot a longbow with form that is the same as your recurve, you would be happiest with that NM Baraga with his custom grip.

Offline Mr. fingers

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Re: Which do you prefer straight or reflex/deflex
« Reply #14 on: April 21, 2013, 03:37:00 PM »
Bljorn I meant overall performance like you said not just speed
Paven so is a string follow or straight bow more forgiving than a R/ D . I know preference is always the answer here but two different designs all else being equal  there should be a difference .

Offline Todd Cook

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Re: Which do you prefer straight or reflex/deflex
« Reply #15 on: April 21, 2013, 04:16:00 PM »
I shoot both styles but truly prefer the straight limb. IMO they are quieter and I shoot them better than any other style. Yes they are slower, but at my 25 and in hunting range I cant really tell much difference.

Pavan is probably right about the grip. I can shoot a medium or high wrist accurately, but it is not comfortable to me.

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Re: Which do you prefer straight or reflex/deflex
« Reply #16 on: April 21, 2013, 04:35:00 PM »
I will answer with examples of my own bows. I have a Grooves Spitfire recurve that is stated 47 at 28, that man that sold it said it was 49 at 28. With a three strand flemish B50, my own very tight make, it is 45 pounds at 27", I weighed it with weights hanging on similated rope fingers. I had a string follow for a while, with the same arrow a 50 pound cedar cut to 27" bop with 145 grain point the 56@27" string follow would shoot those same shafts, but it needed 160 grain points to fly. My Robertson right hand Purist which is 52 at 26 with a fast flight will barely shoot those same arrows with 145 grains up front, it is better with 125 grains up front. My left hand Robertson long bow that I pull to 51 pounds or 50 pounds depending on how stiff my neck is will shoot those shafts perfectly. My reflex Hill style bow that is 55 at 26&1/4" of my own tiller will also shoot these arrows with 145 up front. Now for the shooting. If I lock out my right arm to get that left hand recurve to a maximum draw, even though it has virtually no hand shock, it bites me in the bowarm elbow. If I accidently load up my ring finger going for over a 27" draw with the recurve, my arrows will porpoise and nor be accurate. With the string follow that did not happen, nor does it happen with my two 62" Robertsons or any of my reflex  Hill style bows. None of these longbows have much handshock with fast flight strings, the string follow with the B50 string had more. The one thing that notice with the Robertsons versus the Hill style bows is that the arrow needs to be at least 1/16" higher nocking point than the Hill styles, which is exactly 1/8", I tillered them to be that way.  If you choose to get a NM Hill style bow or a reverse, look very closely how Hill holds his bow and how he bends his left arm. If you have been shooting a recurve with a fairly straight arm that will equal a loss in draw length of an inch or more when shooting the straight grip bow. You may very well find that you are much more accurate with the straight grip if you intentionally bend the arm and duplicate the Hill form with the Hill bow.  However, a Hill style bow can be shot with different form that is more like a standard recurve form.  I believe that when doing that you will not get to the advantages of the entire Hill concept, which is the ability to get off an accurate shot with very diverse situations. Even then it is more about the form than the final shape of the limbs, a longer straighter gripped R/D can take those same shots when using that same form and I would bet that only Howard Hill could tell which one was more accurate, I cannot. My son swears the best shooting bow he has ever shot was a NM Whisper, but he said the NM superior was faster, but still not quite as fast as his 64" Robertson.  The question is which one would work best for you and what are able to do or willing to do to adjust to any particular bow.  The problem is they all work.

Offline MnFn

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Re: Which do you prefer straight or reflex/deflex
« Reply #17 on: April 21, 2013, 05:02:00 PM »
I have had  a  few different styles of bows;  some were good, some not so good.  There probably are a lot of nice shooting ones out there, but I much prefer the style of a Herb Meland Pronghorn for comfortable shooting, however it is classified.
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Offline T-Bowhunter

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Re: Which do you prefer straight or reflex/deflex
« Reply #18 on: April 21, 2013, 05:54:00 PM »

JD Berry Valor 66” 45@28
Great Northern Bush Bow 62" 47@28"
Traditional Bowhunters of Florida

Offline beaver#1

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Re: Which do you prefer straight or reflex/deflex
« Reply #19 on: April 21, 2013, 06:19:00 PM »
For me it's kinda like fishing, as long as they are biting I don't care what they are. Make any sense?  But I do like the looks of my northern mist classic over my r/d bows.
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