Now I was real nervous about the woods on this bow. I usually pick out my woods before the bow is made. Jacks a little primative so pics were not available!lol But knowing his bows I told him what I was looking for with the wood combinations and said let er rip!
He nailed it to a T!!!!! I could not have asked for anything different if I was standing next to him.
The bow is a 56" Kwyk Styk 58@28 with static tips. The riser is made from Gaboon Ebony and Blk/White ebony with the limbs Blk/White ebony.
I've owned alot of bows and maybe it's a little too early to tell. But this one could very well be the most pleasant,smooth,accurate,quiet,fast,shooting bow I have ever shot. I'm already shooting this bow accurately out to 30-35 yards. Enjoy the pics: