Over the years here, I've seen way too many of these bad deals from poor folks who hit a wall, took money to exist and couldn't/wouldn't make good!
when you're up to your swizzle string in alligators, its hard, as they say, to remember you were there to drain the swamp.
As I stated back at the beginning, I met the big guy who took over for the character of a gent who started the biz...he built super bows, but there was something even then that didn't ring "true".
I found a good bowyer, thank my stars for that and have a bow and a buying experience that was head and shoulders above many others.
I echo RC's comments...this guy might be a low life, but it sounds like he's trying and it sounds like our compadres have given him every benefit of the doubt!
Sell blood, whatever...but pay your debts! Easy biz to get into...tough biz to make good in!