Well, I tried some of VAP V3 I picked up from Gary Hall. First off, FANTASTIC work from Gary as always, just beautiful. I was excited to give them a try so I glued in a Victory black AL insert on to a full length shaft and weighed it. Very light at 273gr so I screwed in the heaviest field point I had handy 200g for a total wt of 473, good enough to start for my 50 lb bow. First short shot into a bag target in garage work shop and seemed ok, let's go out side. First shot outside and:

Bummer! Shot off and to side of target where it tore though the side of my block target and glanced to the right, striking my big ash tree behind. Couldn't believe it from the first shot at 20yds-- I make that shot in my sleep. I think that since the shaft is so small that perhaps it wasn't well seated on my shelf or perhaps I just flinched.
Anyhow, you can see in the pic the insert bent and tore out of the side of the arrow. Luckily I didn't cut the arrow shaft, so trimmed it back a bit, straightened the insert and tried again.
Well, even if the insert isn't perfectly straight, these things fly true. I'm pretty impressed with the flight. One thing is for sure, these arrows penetrate like none other I have seen or tried. I'd estimate that all things similar the VAP vs GT Trads I'm getting a good couple inches more penetration.
I'm gonna take the suggestion of others here an try some of the firenock outserts before I test, trim or shoot more. Report to follow soon. Happy Fathers day!