This thread does this po' ol' heart a world of GOOD!
I don't keep my head in any one game too much these days, so I missed the beginning "pitches", I guess. The other day, when I got those e-mails from Trad Gang (Thank you, Rob for the wake-up call) about the opening and closing dates for the bid forums, I said, "Holy St. Jude Auction, Batman, is it that time again already?"
I wouldn't miss THAT unless I was on my last legs, and I'm not. Fortunately I "gather" little goodies throughout the year to put up for bids toward helping the children of St. Jude - things I hope will tickle folks fancy, and cause them to bid (feverishly) for the kids.
Now all I have to do is get my butt in gear, take pics of the stashed goodies (and whatever else I come across in the depths of my "Glory hole Room") and get them ready to post and add to the growing list y'all good players are speaking of above. First though I will go eyeball the pre-auction listing of items and see what goodies are coming out of other members ditty bags and sink holes.
Remember PLEASE, that any and all items will help and any and all donations of items, bids, cash donations, and your/our precious time, however insignificant they may seem to you, will help the cause and final total gift to St. Jude and it's outstanding work for the Children.
God bless you all, God bless us all - ONWARD AND UPWARD FOR THE KIDS!!!
Thank you again, TRADGANG, for this sterling annual effort and space/time in the forums.
Got about half of my photos taken yesterday - but week end coming up may produce even more additions to the list. Hope to get items posted during first of next week BUT they will be up (with some of the usual small items to allow more to bid "something" and at least get in on the fun by jacking things up - LOL) before opening bids - Good Lord willing - TRUST ME!