Last Day...
I went back to the honey hole blind but there were only a couple of birds in the roost. Very slow morning and I still had a tag burning a hole in my pocket.
After lunch, I went to the blind near the barn yard where Dave shot his gobbler the first morning. I got to set out "My Girl" new name for my decoy

I wasn't in there more than a 1/2 hour before a hen walked by between My Girl & me in the blind. Then I noticed 1-2-3 gobblers off to my right. The hen was so hot she laid down at the feet of one of the gobblers...but the boys were so intent on seeing who was the most macho she didn't receive much attention. The strutting continued for 1 hour. I got most of it on video. My Girl seemed very lonely and couldn't catch the boys attention...until a little calf started playing with her. It was the coolest video as he would come up to her, sniff, and jump away. He finally tired of that game but went after the hen & three gobbler breaking up the party. The hen ran off and one gobbler started strutting at My Girl. Two ran off but the one came buy at 20 yards where I placed a log earlier. My shot touched his front legs and chest feathers. He shot straight up in the air...again just 50% air
Right at dark I hit a long beard broadside going into the barn yard. He walked slowly right under my blind @ 5 yards where I shot again hitting him in the wing going away. Nick & I searched but no luck. Now down to a very short early morning hunt as we needed to leave by 10am.
My Girl 10 yards in front...
First Tom off to the right 50+ yards...
Second Tom with hen just off to to the left...
Little calf that almost saved the day. The video is hilarious (if I could just figure how to do You Tube)...