Remember the rule - shots fired after the first arrrow in a bird don't count toward the total
Even with those taken off the slate, it's fair to say that it's a good thing broadhead sharpening skills were up to snuff.
I watched wave after wave of birds pitch out of the trees across the road. I really started to wonder if they were all going to just head the other way. It seemed like forever and not one had yet crossed the road in my direction. But as the sun crested the horizon, the parade began. First a couple of strutters walked out to the middle of the pasture in front of me, soon to be followed by hen after hen, and more toms trying to horn in on the morning action.
The first main group was probably 20-25 birds. They headed straight up the center of the pasture to the south. Another large group about the same size followed suit, but all completely ignored my decoys. With all the turkey talk going on I didn't even try to call.
As the second wave disappeared to my right one big tom and four hens filed into the pasture. Eventually three of the hens headed on over to the decoys in front of me and checked them out. The fourth hen did the same a few minutes later, the big boy followed her right on in. Perfect!
She took a couple of pecks at one of the decoys, then went to my left, but still close. The tom went sideways to the DSD jake and cirlced it with an evil eye. I put the hen out of my mind and concentrated on the longbeard seven yards away. It was the chance I had dreamed of for the past year.
I had no sooner begun my draw when a sharp series of putts broke out from my left. Both turkeys broke and ran, and in a flash the door slammed on this chance. As he walked away he let out one more thunderous gobble. I can't say for sure, but am almost positive if what he said was translatted I wouldn't be able to post it here.
A short time later another tom entered the field by himself. With no other turkeys in sight, at least from my position, he headed directly my way. This was looking even better, but as he closed to within 15 yards he suddenly dropped strut and putted his way back out to the center of the pasture. I don't think I had moved, but the rising sun had me spotlighted like an actor on the stage, and something obviously caught his attention.
The morning show lasted for about 2 1/2 hours, and then every bird seemed to have headed for the hills to lounge away the day.