When his smoothest dance moves failed to impress my decoys to come on down to him the big boy finally decided to come on up the old two track and have a talking to with the jake that was keeping them so occupied.
My set up worked perfectly. With no other live birds to worry about I was able to get my bow up and in position as he walked behind the cedar to my front. When he stepped out in full strut at seven yards all I needed to do was bring the bow to full draw and pick a spot. The bow blind did its job in hiding my draw.
The arrow was away so fast I wasn't even sure of the hit. But the bird didn't seem to be acting quite right as he trotted away and headed back down the hill into a grove of cedars.
I gave him some time, and then upon inspecting the arrow found good blood and feathers covering it. Following in the direction he had gone reveled no blood trail, and as I went further and further in the search doubts were creeping into my mind. I had gone probably 150 yards and had actually turned back toward the blind to search the area again when I came upon this.
It wasn't my first turkey with a stickbow, but it had been a long time in between, and the relief was overwhelming. He was a beautiful bird, and I couldn't have been happier.