So, there are three fields on this property. I was in field #3 to start. Two days ago, there were two toms and a hen in field #1 that I sneaked up on, to within 20 yards. After I left the vocal tom, I drove past fields #2 and #1. There they were, the hen and both toms. So I went back and parked in field #2 and made my way over to #1. Anyone confused yet?
I made my way to the corner of the field and could see the toms strutting. I thought I got busted at first, but there was no indication from them that I'd been seen. I wanted to set up a decoy where they could see it, so the cart path going into the field was the spot. I lowered myself almost to my belly and crawled to the opening. Just in case the birds saw me, I held the hen decoy over my head, reached out onto the path and waved it around to get the toms attention. Then I stuck it in the ground and crawled back about 7 yards. I was on my knees between two trees, with a third tree blocking their view.
It worked, the toms saw the deke and strutted over. No calling was needed. Then the hen got spooked and went off putting. I thought for sure the toms would follow, but they were interested in the new girl. I knew they were close, but didn't know when they would pop out from behind the blocker tree. I peaked around and the first stepped into my shooting lane. I couldn't move, he was looking towards me. He hopped the wall and I knew the second bird would follow. My bow was bent and hit anchor just as he stepped into my lane. I aimed for center mass. I released and saw the arrow knick a branch, then I heard a WUMP. The bird took off in flight, climbing higher towards the tree tops and I could clearly see my arrow was seated firmly in his side.
I was getting nervous, afraid I would lose him. Just as he flew to the property border tree line, I heard him crash. I couldn't see him and didn't know if he hit the ground running or not. I waited a minute, nocked another arrow and went to look. Found him piled up just onto the neighbor's back corner.
I've never been so happy to make a kill shot.
I've been trying for years to get a turkey with a bow, any bow. My previous 17 tries (all bows combined) have resulted in a few feathers and a bloody arrow or two with no recovery. To get it done with a Longbow is just unbelievable. I will remember this day for a loooong time.
Broadhead was a Magnus Snuffer, 125 gr. Entry hole below.