Thousands apply so just like other states where lotteries are used to control numbers, it will take years, unless you are very lucky to get drawn.
I started applying in 2007 when I retired from KDFWR. Odds are I will never draw and I'm ok with that. If 50,000 are applying for 1,000 tags you can see the odds are 50 years. Nothing stinks about it -- just math.
There are options for folks who might know landowners who are part of the Public Land Elk Lease program. Landowners who open at least 5,000 acres for public elk hunting are provided a tag they can use, give, or sell. Again, this is good for the public hunter who would have far less access otherwise. This is how some well-heeled folks are able to get drawn -- they have more money than time remaining. This is also why some folks think "powerful" people get special access. They get no different access through the lottery than the most common among us.
Anyone who has been draw since the first hunt in 2001 has already beaten the odds.
I won't even apply in a preference point state. At my age, not enough time left in my hourglass to draw.