It’s the best day of the year, May 1st that is! To say I enjoy turkey hunting is a bit of an understatement! Anyways, opening day finally arrived and it started with a “Thwack”!!! The morning was cool and crisp; I was in my blind well before sun rise and heard many gobbles in the distance while I waited patiently for the birds to wake up around me. I had done a fair bit of pre-season scouting and had located some decent birds but they were being super quiet. I heard my first gobble across the road around 5:45am, the bird gobbled once, I called quietly and no response. Sure enough ten minutes later the gobbler crossed the road saw my decoys in the field and started trotting my way! O boy did the shakes start; I eased my bow up got into shooting position, thinking this is going to be my shot! But it wasn’t, one of the strangest things I have ever seen in the turkey woods happened. A group of four jakes burst from a nearby hedge row and started ganging up on this poor gobbler. Now, I’ve seen jakes and gobblers fight many times and it has never been in the favor of the jakes. The jakes beat him to a bloody pulp and sent him packing! Dumb founded and frustrated thinking my chance had slipped through my fingers I leaned back in my chair and began to reflect on the events. Within minutes of relaxing I heard a “spit and drum” come from behind the blind and just as I peeked out the blind a nice mature gobbler was in half strut running at my avian x Jake and breeding hen, I had no time to react, he hit the jake decoy hard and pecked, spurred and wing beat it to the ground which gave me time to raise my bow and draw, needless to say it was a perfect shot, a complete pass through and it took out both wing bones right at the first joint. The gobbler jumped in the air spun and expired within two steps of being hit! I was excited, another gobbler with the recurve! Ten yard shot, woodsmen broadhead, heritage 250’s, out of a 66” 68# Assenheimer Master Hunter.